Robinson David Martinez, CT

One of the ways in which I practice ahimsa (non-harm; not only physical but with your mind and words) is with myself.
Especially in the morning when my secret negativity programming kicks in, I treat myself as if I were trying to put a child to sleep, by telling it stories and being very kind.  In a similar but opposite way, it is like gently turning on a dimmer-switched set of lights. 
Presently, one of the practices that allows me to have the best day is the habit of investing my energy in a way that is the best for me and the greater good of all.
When I wake up I begin investing my wakeful early moments of attention- energy to prayer and restructuring the negative inner chatter monkey mind. 
For about 5-30 minutes I do something healthy and good for me. Somedays I chug 2-4 glasses of water immediately and that is all I do; Robinson David Martinez
other times I put on relaxing music and stay in bed w the intention of relaxing all muscles as possible and breathing deeply even if it is for 3 breaths. Many a time (bc at the moment I dont have children) I invest 30-40 min in deep relaxation in bed before I start my day. 
My energy is different each day. When I have too much to do I place my hands for one breath on my belly. I pray/intend for the best physical energy in order to have fun and help myself and others. Then I go to my heart for one breath and then I cover my eyes w my hands for one breath and relax all face muscles. 
I find that magnetizing my day with a conscious healthy good-for-me intention is one of the secrets to a great day and, thus, a great life, which is comprised of thousands of days. 
With regards to staying in bed with my hands on my cheeks or on the stomach, as I do this, I basically tell myself what is the most positive uplifting language that just comes to me. What I need at the moment. 
If my energy sucks, I will say things like, "Breathe. Feel the emptiness of the God force within you. Feel the love and acceptance of these negative feelings. Accept. Be kind. Breathe. Feel the acceptance and gentleness for your very own precious little kid inside your heart. 
You are unfolding in divine timing. Go face the world with the light of a billion stars radiating from your core with every single breath you take. 
—Robinson David Martinez
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