Ep. 129- Christopher Jain Miller, PhD on Why Yoga & Jainism are Inherently Vegan

Christopher Jain Miller is the VP of Academic Affairs and Professor of Jain and Yoga Studies at Arihanta Academy. He completed his Ph.D. in the study of Religion at the University of California, Davis, and his current research focuses on applied Jain dharma and the ways by which Jain principles can be lived in daily life. 

Christopher is the author of a number of articles and book chapters concerned with Jain dharma, Jain veganism, the history and practice of modern yoga, yoga and politics, and yoga philosophy and is a co-editor of the volume Beacons of Dharma: Spiritual Exemplars for the Modern Age (Lexington 2019). He lectures internationally on Jain and yoga topics and is a certified continuing education provider for the Yoga Alliance. He is the academic advisor for the global Jain Vegan Initiative to promote a vegan lifestyle in light of the Jain principles of non-violence, compassion, and karma.

In this episode Yoga is Vegan's Holly Skodis and Christopher Jain Miller discuss the following:

  • Ahimsa and it's role in both Yoga and the Jain religion. 
  • History of contemporary Jainism
  • Karma and its relationship to samskaras
  • Hatha Yoga Pradipika 
  • Jain Vegan Initative
  • Arihanta Academy

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 Connect with Christopher Jain Miller:

Instagram: @theyogaprofessor
Facebook: @ChristopherJainMiller
Website: arihanta-academy.com 

Fall 2022 Classes:
Ahimsa, Animal Advocacy, and Veganism with Hope Bohanec

Beyond Vegetarianism: Jain Veganism and the Promotion of Ahimsa - Nisha Mehta, Pratik Bhansali, Sunny Jain 

Modern Yoga Studies: Critical History, Anthropology and Methodology- Professor Christopher Jain Miller, PhD

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