Stefanie Ignoffo is a Plant Interventionist, Lifestyle Medicine Coach and Food For LIfe Instructor with the Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine. She is also the CEO & Founder of Plantspiration® NFP INC. After transitioning her family to plants in 2013, Stefanie lost 100 pounds. As a family, they lost a total of 250 pounds and reversed their chronic diseases. Stefanie has made it her mission to educate, motivate and inspire people all over the world to Eat Your Plants Off, prevent and reverse disease, lose weight and maintain this wonderful lifestyle.
In this episode Yoga is Vegan's Holly Skodis and Stefanie Ignoffo discuss the following:
- Becoming a Food For Life Instructor through PCRM
- Unprocessed: How to achieve vibrant health and your idea weight by Chef AJ
- Transitioning Your Family to a Whole Foods Plantbased Vegan DIet
- Weight loss and struggles
- Stefanie's reversal of diverticulitis
- Incorporating Yoga into the Plantspiration's Support Group
- Dr. Brooke Goldner's Smoothie Shred