Prem Dass Rohan (aka PD), MA (Secondary Science Education), BA (Mathematics), CA Clear Teaching Credential K-8, CA Clear Teaching Credential HS (Mathematics); Montessori EarlyChildhood Education Credential, Montessori Early Childhood Education Director, combines his love of science and mathematics in the classroom with his love of yoga practice, teaching students mindfulness, breath awareness exercises, precepts for living a virtuous life based on non-violence, and postures to calm the mind. Prem Dass has taught all ages of students from 2 1/2 years to the elderly. Premdas studied Ashtanga Yoga with Baba Hari Dass from 1975 until his passing in 2018, starting in Miami, Florida. He is a senior teacher at Mount Madonna Center having taught there continuously from 1980 to the present. He is one of several ‘pujaris’ at the Hanuman Temple at Mount Madonna Center and has been instrumental in opening up ritual performance to women, a traditionally male-dominated service. He offers morning ‘arati’ at least two times a week and has done so since the temple was founded in 2003. He periodically conducted fire ceremonies and began offering vegan versions of fire ceremonies in 2017.
In this episode YIV's Holly Skodis and Prem Dass Rohan discuss the following;
- Sri Swami Satchidananda
- Baba Hari Dass
- Hare Krisha
- Paramahansa Yogananda and his book Autobiography of a Yogi
- Ayurvedic substitutions for onions are leeks and for garlic it's asafoetida.
- Veganizing yajñas, the ancient Vedic Fire Ceremonies
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