Stacie Dooreck is the author of Sunlight Chair Yoga: Yoga for Everyone! and Yoga for Everyone! She's been a certified Sivananda Yoga instructor since 1995. She was born into a vegetarian family and taken to ashrams since birth, Stacie lives the yogic lifestyle and shares its benefits with others throughout the world.
Stacie has never tried fish, chicken or meat in her life. Four years ago she made the shift to becoming vegan. Stacy loves teaching yoga and believes the practice has the potential to encourage students to become more compassionate towards animals, care more about their health and become an entry point to the plant-based lifestyle.
Stacie teaches yoga at companies in the Bay Area, CA. She is a Stress Management Specialist for the Ornish Heart Disease Reversal Program in N. CA and an Alzheimer's Research Study at the Preventative Medicine Research Institute by Dr. Dean Ornish. Additionally, Stacie offers Chair yoga teacher trainings and other self-paced yoga courses online.
- Dharma Mittra ( YIV Episode 28)
- Bikram Choudhury, Pattabhi Jois, and Sivananda Sexual Misconduct Allegations
- The OMD Plan: The Simple, Plant-Based Program to Save Your Health, Save Your Waistline, and Save the Planet by Suzy Amis Cameron
Can a Meat-eating Yoga Teacher Call Themselves a Yoga Teacher? Elephant Journal article
- The Fundamental Ethics of Yoga & Food Elephant Journal article
- Finding your own way to veganism
- Diet for a New America by John Robbins
- Dr. Melanie Joy Beyond Carnism
- Whole food plant-based vegan diet health benefits versus vegan transition and junk foods
- Ornish Heart Disease Reversal Program
- Alzheimer's Research Study at the Preventative Medicine Research Institute by Dr. Dean Ornish
- Dr. Will Tuttle (YIV Episode 7)
- Dr. Michael Gregor:, How Not To Die, How Not to Diet, Cholesterol & Lower Back Pain Video
- The Vegan Society
Instagram: @sunlightyoga
Facebook: @yogainchairs